Embrace the Drunken Fist


Embrace the Drunken Fist


A collection of English and Chinese writings, in no particular order, to help one embrace the drunken fist.


Author: 无名 Nameless 

Embrace the Drunken Fist - 醉拳 (1).pdf

Embrace the Drunken Fist

Zuì quán


A collection of English and Chinese writings, in no particular order, to help one embrace

the drunken fist.


Author: 无名 / Nameless


Peacocks Beauty

Eat that poison


Into a beautiful creature.

To travel over the narrow bridge

We all must pay the toll

In the end

This will protect others

While also giving them

Your greatest gift

- Surrender

Surrender allows one

To communicate with the creator

Embrace intuition and confidence

Descend, Fall, Drop

Vanquish your own demons and monsters

Overcome evil by embracing it

Humans lack the strength

To defeat this evil

Accept it within you and give it to the creator to handle

Find warmth / comfort

Find Great Strength

Author: 无名 / Nameless























Author: 无名 / Nameless


Becoming a Bodhisattva

This is a short story about Buddha.

One day some people had killed a woman and buried her body in the grounds of the

Buddha monastery and then told the police. The police came and discovered the body

and began to spread the word that the Buddha and the monks had killed the woman

and then buried her. In the morning when the monks went into town, they were looked

at by the townspeople with contempt and anger. The monks came to the Buddha and

said, “Dear teacher, we can’t do it anymore”. Everytime we go into the town the people

look at us with those eyes. We suffer very much. The Buddha said “The essential thing

is that you have not done what people condemn you for doing. You know very well that

you did not kill that woman. So this is our practice. One day, by the way you live your

life, by the way you practice, misunderstanding will vanish. Things like this do happen in

the world and if you have understanding and compassion you don’t have to suffer.

There are groups of people who are jealous and try to create circumstances that will

smear our prestige. Such people must suffer a lot from their jealousy in order to do such

a thing. So we have to deal with them with compassion. With your practice, some day

you may be able to wake them up and see what they have done is not worthy of people

on a spiritual path.” And with that, the monks did not suffer anymore.

A few weeks later, a student of the Buddha hired detectives and they found the people

who had committed the crime. The community of the Buddha had to suffer for almost a

month because of this incident. So if you suffer a little bit or you suffer a lot or you do

not suffer at all, that depends on you. On whether you have insight, whether you have

compassion or not. It depends entirely on you. So if you need to suffer, embrace your

suffering tenderly. This will allow you to bring about compassion and understanding and

you will not hate the people who try to make you suffer.


There is a special phrase “Demons Hand and Buddha's Heart” that helps us understand

how we might deal with conflicts.

Develop the Demon's Hand while at the same time maintaining the Buddha's Heart.

Be a Monster but be under control.

In Chinese we have a loose translation -

菩萨心肠 (Púsà xīncháng)

Bodhisattva Heart

I am not saying we want to become a devil or monster. I am saying that sometimes we

need to be one. I would compare this idea to an injured animal surrounded by other

animals who are attacking it. It will tap into its inner strength and bite, claw, tear at these

attackers with the most vicious and uncontrollable anger and rage, only to protect itself.

The idea of Demons Hand and Buddha’s Heart is expressed in the Chinese cultures

special martial arts technique called Drunken Fist 醉拳 (Zuì quán). In this fighting

technique, the master does not care if the solution looks ugly or bad or evil or demonic.

The master has let go of his own vanity. So this has the enemy attacking him as they

perceive him as a weak opponent and this very perception is why the master will win.

He has let go of his vanity and said in this fight “I am an upset person, I am tired and

have an injured body, my enemies will all be defeated, I will not put up with attacks from

people who are intentionally harming me.” So, we actually want our opponent to look at

us and think “No, that attack won’t work on me.”

There is a very good reason to defend ourselves like this when we are being caught up

in situations where others are falsely judging us and trying to cause us to suffer. Their

suffering is merely spilling over onto us and we should deal with it in a compassionate

but firm way. The greater evil that happens is our own vanity increases when we fail to

say no or fail to stand up for ourselves. We are often afraid we will not be looked upon

well by others or not impress others if we are seen as fighting back when sick or upset

people are harming us. I suspect in these cases, by not defending ourselves, we would

be cheating others and ourselves out of real self-fulfillment. I noticed lately that I do this

a lot with others by giving too much, giving large tips and paying for things and even

giving others things so I can feel good about myself and get validation from others so I

can be viewed as a good person. But I do this to avoid confronting my own emptiness

inside and fail to admit that I am just as broken and damaged as everyone else and that

is ok because this is part of being a flawed human being.


What is the Buddhist perspective on vanity?

- Master Sheng-Yen

“Vanity is certainly related to feelings of inferiority. Someone who doesn’t have a sense

of self-fulfillment may want to show other people they possess something remarkable.

Even when their wisdom, their learning, and skills are nothing particular, they still want

to show people that they are a person of status and are thus worthy of people’s

admiration. They want whatever material things other people own, though these might

be well-earned or required by some. To attend meetings and receive important guests,

they need to dress up in smart clothes. In order to fit in with their job environment, they

need these fineries. But some people don’t, they don’t really have a need for such

things. But they feel that since celebrities and the famous wear such fancy clothing, they

want to dress the same way too. They get a sense of importance from others. However,

this kind of satisfaction won’t do anything for their income or the development of

character and wisdom. It’s just about putting on a show to impress others.

It sometimes will bring them a lot of trouble.


Because they have to keep up appearances by accumulating things they don’t need at

all. They will go out to eat and order many dishes and offer to pay for everyone although

he doesn’t have much money. Though he cannot really afford it, he’ll still go beyond his

means to impress others.

This is related to his feelings of inferiority. So it evolves into an intense desire to gain

face. This will create a lot of pain and suffering.

Is there anything good about vanity?

Acting within the scope of your abilities isn’t vanity. But one who doesn’t know his own

limits and wants to do what he sees others do puts himself in a tight spot that he can’t

get out of. Like a rat caught in a trap. Then it’s extremely painful. What’s more, vain

people, because they lack the things they desire, may hurt many other people.

For instance, if they haven’t any money but simply want to put up a front and gain face

by pretending to be rich, they borrow money from their friends. They cheat their friends

out of cash and embezzle money. All to put on a show of affluence. So as a result, they

harm themselves and others. So we have to be careful when we’re with vain people.

Suppose they obtain something through their own efforts, rather than by borrowing it.

Say, for example, they saw a pair of shoes, and they think of a way to earn money. Then

they buy a nice pair of shoes. That can’t be considered a bad thing. But earning money

just to buy shoes to satisfy vanity is wrong.

What about craving fame or wanting approval from others?

That would be fishing for fame and reputation. But it’s hard to say whether this attitude

is vanity. Sometimes, people who pursue fame may have substance. But they may just

want something in return. Say when they make a donation, they want to place an ad

making their good deeds known widely...this is vanity.

However, it’s a bit better than most false vanity, because they really do have this ability.

It’s not totally fake. There was a total fake in a movie I once saw in China, that guy wore

a jacket, a suit, but underneath his jacket there was nothing. The shirt was just a collar,

along with a necktie. There really was no shirt. He was a fake, people like that we call

vain. In fact, on the inside, he had nothing.”


Alan Watts - Thusness


Now, I can exemplify this a little more strongly by relating Buddhism to the social system

in which it arose. A Buddhist monk is sometimes called a śramaṇa. This is closely allied

to the word “shaman.” And a shaman is the holy man in a culture that is still hunting. It

isn’t settled, it isn’t agrarian. There is a very strong and important difference between a

shaman and a priest. A priest receives his ordination from his superiors; he receives

something from a tradition which is handed down. A shaman doesn’t. He receives his

enlightenment by going off into the forest by himself to be completely alone. A shaman

is a man, in other words, who has undergone solitariness. He’s gone away into the

forest to find out who he really is. Because it’s very difficult to find that out while you’re

with other people. And the reason is that other people are busy all the time telling you

who you are in many, many ways: by the laws they impose on you, by the behavior ruts

they set on you, by the things they tell you, by the fact that they always call you by your

name, and by the fact that when you live among people, you have to be in a state of

ceaseless chatter.

But if you want to find out who you are before your father and mother conceived

you—who you really are—you almost have to go off by yourself, and go into the forest

and stop talking, even stop thinking words, and be absolutely alone and listen to the

great silences. And then, if you’re lucky, you recover from the illusion that you’re just

little me, this so and so, and you attain the state of nirvāṇa, which means the blown-out

state, the relieved state; the sigh of relief. Nirvāṇa may be translated into English as

“phew!” I’ve at last discovered that I don’t have to survive. I can survive, of course, but I

don’t really have to. Because you discover, you see, that what you really are doesn’t

have to survive, because it’s what there is. The real you is It, or that. Tát tvam ási: “that

art thou,” as the Hindu say.

So then, in the normal life of India—which is not a hunting culture, but a settled

culture—there are priests, but there is something beyond the priest. That is to say, when

a man or woman has fulfilled his or her life in the world of society, it’s the normal thing to

do for a person to quit their status in society and become what’s called a

“forest-dweller.” That is almost, you see, to go back to the hunting culture. They divide

people into two classes: gṛhastha, which means “householder,” and vānaprastha, which

means “forest-dweller.” And the older people all hand over their occupations and

positions to their children, and go into the state of vānaprastha or become a śramaṇa,

and go outside the stockade—I’m speaking metaphorically; they sometimes do actually,

they sometimes don’t—and become a nobody. They give up their name—that is to say,

the label which designates who they are in terms of caste or class. They become

unclassified people. That’s why, strictly speaking, you see, Hinduism and Buddhism are

not religions. You can classify the religions. You can say: what’s your denomination?

Baptist? Methodist? Catholic? Presbyterian? Episcopalian? Quaker? Et cetera, et

cetera, et cetera, you see? But strictly speaking, a vānaprastha, a śramaṇa, has no

label. He is an unlabeled bottle.


The Gospel of Jesus in a Nutshell

- Rodney Norman


Some folks were meeting with Jesus

The group said

“What’s the most important thing we should know about this life?”

Jesus says

“Ahh, hey, you know that God person I talk about all the time. The love that you have for

God, you should have that same love for everybody else”

The group said

“That’s it?”

Jesus says

“Yeah, that is pretty much the point of the whole thing. Just love everybody.”

The group says

“Are you sure about that? Well, what about those stupid, rotten, horrible, miserable

people who don’t deserve love?

Jesus says

“Well, yeah. Them, too.”

The group says

“So you mean even those stupid people who live over there, over the hill? Do we have

to be nice and love them?”

Jesus says

“Well, actually, yeah. That is what I meant by everybody.”

“You are given free will to do nice things to people then you will deserve more free will.

But don’t focus on getting the stuff, just focus on being a nice person and then you will

get all that stuff. If you are just doing nice stuff to get stuff then you’re really not a nice

person, you are just pretending to be a nice person so you get nice stuff. God will know

when you are trying to fool us.”

“Pretty much that’s it. Just love everybody and let God work out all the details and stuff.

God is really good at punishing people. He doesn’t want to punish people but it is for

their own good.”


Always be the Mermaid

Weeping near the water

Watching the world go by

Limping with weakness

But still able to replace the roof.

The seagulls will eat the shrimp

But only if you toss it to them.

Always be the Mermaid,

simply watch while weeping and laughing.

The tears of the mermaid are pearls.

Happiness hides inside sadness.

Author: 无名 / Nameless












Author: 无名 / Nameless


My experience with the I-Ching 易经

Mystical, trigrams, turtles,

intuition, opens unconscious,

frightening, yarrow sticks, horoscope,

reasonable advice,

dreams, brother, garage door,

mind reading,

trigrams in AI


How to not know

I am trying to know how to Not Know.

But I don't know how to know this.

So once we reach the place we were trying to go


realize it is the same place as where we came from,

What do we do then?

Author: 无名 / Nameless







Author: 无名 / Nameless


Bushy the 松鼠 (Squirrel)

In a world where humans were consumed by the trappings of technology and

materialism, a 松鼠 emerged as an unlikely beacon of wisdom. This 松鼠, however, was

no ordinary creature – it was an enlightened Taoist sage, whose profound

understanding of the natural world and the Way of the Universe was unparalleled.

Perched atop a mighty oak tree, the 松鼠 observed the frenzied lives of the humans

below, scurrying about like ants, oblivious to the beauty and harmony that surrounded

them. It was then that the 松鼠 realized its calling: to awaken these lost souls to the

importance of studying and embracing nature.

But how could a mere 松鼠 communicate such profound truths to a species so

consumed by their own devices? The answer came in an unexpected form – a social

media app called TikTok.

With a deft paw and a keen eye, the 松鼠 began to create captivating videos, each one

a masterclass in Taoist philosophy and a cautionary tale of humanity's disregard for the

natural world. In one video, a once-pristine forest lay decimated, its ancient trees felled

to make way for towering skyscrapers. In another, a polluted river choked with plastic

and debris, its once-vibrant life force now but a whisper.

Through these dystopian visions, the 松鼠 sought to jolt its human viewers into

awareness, reminding them of the delicate balance that exists between all living things

and the consequences of our actions. And yet, amidst the bleakness, the 松鼠 also

offered glimpses of hope – images of untouched wilderness, where nature reigned

supreme, a testament to the resilience of the Earth and the cyclical nature of life.

Slowly but surely, the 松鼠 videos began to captivate audiences, its message resonating

with those who had long since felt disconnected from the natural world. Some were

moved to tears, others inspired to take action, planting trees, and advocating for

environmental causes.

And as the 松鼠 following grew, so too did its influence, its teachings spreading like

wildfire across the digital realm. For in its own unique way, this enlightened Taoist sage

had managed to bridge the gap between the human and the natural, reminding us all

that we are but a part of a greater whole, and that to truly understand ourselves, we

must first study and embrace the world around us.

Author: Claude AI


Weed in the crack

Even this weed

Growing in the crack

Of the stones

Is superior to me

It contains

Gods light or Dignity

I learn a lot from this weed

It can grow

In the most difficult environment

It does not worry about its situation

It simply grows where it manifested

This is all we have left to do...

Grow where we are.


Author: 无名 / Nameless

Fèngxì lǐ cháng mǎn zá cǎo


jiù lián zhè yěcǎo


zài jiáfèng zhōng chéngzhǎng


shítou lǐ de


bǐ wǒ yōuyuè


tā bāohán


shén de guāng huò zūnyán


Wǒ cóng zhè zhǒng zá cǎo zhōngxué dàole hěnduō dōngxī


Tā kěyǐ shēngzhǎng


Zài zuì kùnnán de huánjìng xià


Tā bìng bù dānxīn zìjǐ de chǔjìng


Tā zhǐshì zài tā xiǎnxiàn dì dìfāng shēngzhǎng


Zhè jiùshì wǒmen shèng xià yào zuò de......


Zài wǒmen suǒzài dì dìfāng chéngzhǎng.




Author: 无名 / Nameless


Tang Dynasty Family Travels

Through swirling mists of time he flew,

To ancient days when China's Tang Dynasty held reign.

Forbidden City loomed, great palace halls in view,

As he searched for she, his sister he'd not seen again.

In simpler dress she walked the garden's pebbled path,

Her face upturned, gazing at the painter's eaves.

He called her name, she turned in aftermath,

Their tear-filled reunion under mulberry leaves.

Though years apart, their bond was still the same,

Brother and sister reunited despite the ages.

No distance great nor time's erasing rain

Could end the love found in history's pages.

Author: Claude AI

Tang Dynasty Love Travels

Across the swirling sands of time he flew,

To ancient days of China's glorious Tang.

In Chang'an's streets he wandered, longing grew-

To find his love, for her his heartstrings sang.

In palace halls, among embroidered sleeves,

At last he saw her by the garden pool.

Her face tilted up, looked to the maple leaves,

While he called out her name, his voice the tool.

No distance great nor time's erasing rain

Could end the love these two were meant to share.

Through space and time, forever to remain-

Reunited now, no more in despair.

Their teary embrace below the mulberry tree

Fulfilled the dream of their destiny.

Author: Claude AI

Traveling to the year 690 to the Tang Dynasty of China

Strolling through Chang'an City, the palaces and pavilions are dazzling

Silk embroidered clothes, elegant calligraphy and painting, literati and poets all show

their superiority

Yang Guifei laughs and is charming, Li Bai will is charming in poetry and wine

By the Qujiang Pool, peonies and peonies compete for beauty

The fragrance is fragrant, the passion is elegant, the comfort is leisurely

Although the dynasty was prosperous, extreme happiness gave rise to sadness.

The dynasty is like a dream, the prosperity and splendor disappear in an instant

Only the country remains the same, the beautiful years will remain in the world forever




楊贵妃笑美豔動人,李白 will詩酒風流






Author: Claude AI


Jinxed Cursed





























Cursed (Jinxed)

I am cursed (Jinxed)

I cannot speak until the person who cast the spell on me lifts the curse.

I suppose all I can do now,

is write.

See a penny, pick it up.

All throughout the day,

have good luck.

If you are having a bad day,

I can only agree with you and say,

"Have a bad day."

If you are having a good day

I will also agree with you and say,

"Have a good day."

Try to turn right or left.

Worst case,

you will turn right or left.

Right will then leave left,

And there is nothing Left.

Ascend to Descend

Descend to Ascend

What to do if you are a sheep

living in the year of the dragon...


Author: Nameless


There and Here

















There and Here

Someone can not be there,

and not be there.

They can also be there,

and not be there.

If you ask them to be there,

they can not be there.

But, if you understand,

they are not there,

they will be here.

If I want you,

to be over there.

You are not there,

you are only here.

There and Here

Author: Nameless





亲爱的 刀配珊,



Dear Dao Peishan,

Have a nice day!



Zhuangzi said in the writing “Free and Unfettered You” that a perfect person has no self,

a god has no merit, and a saint has no name.




Free and Unfettered You






至人,神人,and 圣人 are three different types of people. Their achievements on

pursuing 道(dao) can be ranked sequentially. 至人 (the perfect man) made the highest

achievement, and the the 圣人( the true sage) made the lowest achievement. There is a

popular translation for this sentence: The perfect man ignores self; the divine man

ignores achievement; the true Sage ignores reputation.

Ignoring reputation is the lowest place, where the sage dwells.

Here is my understanding of this part of his writing....

He is trying to express how an enlightened person or sage will have the ability to take

advantage of special powers from the heavens but this will lead this person to be

mocked and treated badly by society. Much like Jesus and Socrates. So, to best deal

with this conflict, we have 3 choices as enlightened folks: 1. The greatest - have no self.

2. the next greatest - have no merit 3. the least greatest (saint) - have no name.

In my view, we cannot be perfect and dissolve the self, we cannot be Gods and have no

merit, but we can be a saint or sage and have no name. 无名

There is a saying in Christian concepts that explains this in a way. The phrase "No good

deed goes unpunished" is a sardonic commentary on the frequency with which acts of

kindness backfire on those who offer them. In other words, those who help others are

doomed to suffer as a result of their helpfulness.

Having no name means one does not exist and will not be offended or harmed by the

poor treatment from others when you help them.

Thanks for helping "nameless" or 无名 more clearly understand and articulate this

Chinese writing!
















Sit in the storm

Nameless will help later.

Problems fix themselves.

Simply tell everyone;

they're right!

You're right, they're right,

Everyone is right.

How could anything be wrong

unless we don't want to be right?

Nameless understands that kindness is rewarded with cruelty.

But when one becomes Nameless,

all of this no longer matters...

because Nameless exists.

Author: Nameless


Infinity Mirror

I just read what you shared.

It is exactly what "nameless" was not busy looking for.

We are two mirrors facing one another.

⁃ The Infinity Mirror

Thank you for "Doing Nothing" and inspiring this poem we are writing.

It is nice to find...


How coincidental...

the topic is identical.

Author - Nameless







- 无限镜子











when you have finished exploring

you realize you are alone

there is nothing here

It is all a mirage

embrace the loneliness

sit with the emptiness

we are all alone


that is where we find connection

we are all connected through loneliness.

Stop talking

Simply watch

mud pill palace- pineal gland

Author: Nameless


































Author: 无名 / Nameless


Trees cut down

before their time.

Angels stand above

to help us understand.

We meet with the Raven...

it is miraculously beautiful and gentle.

But how does the Raven understand?

Because the Raven is already enlightened and has a kind heart.

It is a gift from above, an Angel.

We need the Ravens touch....

and the Raven needs to be softly touched by us.

Relax in the moment.

The greatest evil is pain.

The highest good is pleasure.

Exotic pets are what we need.

Healing others....heals us.

Author: 无名 / Nameless


God pushed me


when things are stagnant


unable to move on our own.

God pushes us through the door!

Author: 无名 / Nameless






Author: 无名 / Nameless


The Popular Gopher

Exit the stage

Please keep the door locked

Best ticket on the planet

Serve it up safely

We have something special

23 x 6 = 我不知道

When the lights shimmer

through the windows

you will understand how to..

not understand.

Smash the fake creature

Collect the sweet nectar in life.

Embrace the gopher

it knows how to find the gold.


Author: 无名 / Nameless







23 x 6 = 我不知道










Author: 无名 / Nameless

Spiritually, the gopher nudges us to dig deeper into our inner realms, unearthing hidden

truths and concealed talents. It’s a call to venture beneath the surface, a journey of

introspection and self-discovery. A guide in the darkness, the gopher encourages you to

shine a light on your hidden fears and bring them into the light of day. And just as

gophers store food for lean times, it prompts us to conserve our resources and prepare

for the future.


How to not know

I am trying to know how to Not Know. But I don't know how to know this. So once we

reach the place we were trying to go and realize it is the same place as where we came

from, what do we do then?

Author: 无名 / Nameless






Author: 无名 / Nameless

Read the Alchemist:

The boy then encounters a wise alchemist, who teaches him to realize his true self.

Together, they risk a journey through the territory of warring tribes, where Santiago is

forced to demonstrate his oneness with the "Soul of the World" by turning himself into a

dust storm before he is allowed to proceed.

When he reaches the pyramids and begins digging, he is robbed by thieves, who ask

him what he is digging for; he replies that a dream has led him to buried treasure. The

thieves scoff, and the leader remarks about a dream he once had about treasure under

a tree at a ruined church. Santiago realizes the treasure he sought was where he had

his original dream all along.


Chinese Calligraphy

There are many popular writing styles in Chinese Calligraphy. Here are a few of them.

Seal script


Clerical script


Regular script



Sit and Forget

Zuò wàng


坐忘 or sit and forget or sitting with blank mind is an ancient Chinese Taoist meditation

practice. The idea is to simply sit down and erase your mind of all thoughts. This

practice does take some time to perform but appears to work quite well. When one

practices 坐忘, it empties the mind and allows the Tao to flow through.

This practice seems to bring one to a new realization and one gains an understanding

of nothingness. Coming into the present moment while watching nature and clearing

thoughts allows one to awaken to the true reality..































Deepest Desires

To uncover our innermost thoughts,

is to watch,

the endless desires of others.

Staring into the clear blue water,

on a bright sunny day.

The trees, clouds, all above,

simply reflect like a mirror.

This reveals our deepest thoughts.

We like to be above,

looking down at the world.

Although, our deepest desire,

is to be underneath,

gently reflecting and allowing the world to take us away.

Gentle and clean,

favors the bold.

Patiently waiting,

to explode.

Surrender to your,

deepest desires.

Surrender to,

the heavens.

Erase the madness,

please the heavenly mandate,

only within the mind.

Come meet us mystics,

in the mystical realm.

Reflect in the pond,

so you might fly through the heavens.

Author: Mercy


Insideout upsidedown:



. The inversion of the sky, the transition from the outside to the inside, we let today, a

good family.

Hi folks, let’s have an inside-out, upside-down day today!

!yadot yad nwod-edispu dna tuo-edisni na evah s'tel ,sklof iH

¡ʎɐpoʇ ʎɐp uʍop-ǝpᴉsdn 'ʇno-ǝpᴉsuᴉ uɐ ǝʌɐɥ s’ʇǝl 'sʞloɟ ᴉH






Zhongshan immortal tree grows in the mountains


When the tiger is away from the mountain, the monkey proclaims himself king.


The king is called the monkey, the tiger is old and has nothing to do with the mountain

When the cat's away, the mice will play.

 ̇ʎɐld llᴉʍ ǝɔᴉɯ ǝɥʇ 'ʎɐʍɐ s,ʇɐɔ ǝɥʇ uǝɥM



. When you play, you will be like a mouse, but when you are not, you will be like a cat.

Author: 无名 / Nameless











Can I write this?

Can 我 write这?


Can you read this?











2201 的立方是






Do geese see God?

?do Geese see goD

I am what I am,

That is all that I am.


Can I write this?



Can you read this?


Was it a car or a cat I saw?

A nut for a jar of tuna.

King, are you glad you are King?

?was it a car or a cat I saW

.a nut for a jar of tunA

?King, are you glad you are King

hand, arm, eye, eye, arm, hand.

You can thread this needle

with a bit of care.

The cube of 2201 is


Palindrome, Duplicate.

Lychee branches reflect the water.

Author: Nameless


Knock knock

You can tap 无名 on the shoulder,

无名 will not mind but others may.

Knock Knock?

Who's There?

无名can hear you!

无名 can hear you, who?

无名 can hear you!

If 无名 gives you this and you give

无名 that.

无名 will have that and you will have this.

Tell me, are Pandas actually real

Or are they simply humans

dressed up in bear costumes?

Now, 无名 has this and you have that.

We can never have That,

unless we take a closer look.


Don’t look at the monk’s face, look at the Buddha’s face.

Author: 无名 / Nameless




















Knock Knock

You can tap nobody on the shoulder,

nobody will not mind but others may.

Knock Knock?

Who's There?

Nobody can hear you!

Nobody can hear you, who?

Nobody can hear you!

If nobody gives you this and you give

nobody that.

Nobody will have that and you will have this.

Tell me, are Pandas actually real

Or are they simply humans

dressed up in bear costumes?

Now, nobody has this

and you have that.

We can never have That,

unless we take a closer look.

Don’t look at the monk’s face, look at the Buddha’s face.

Author: Nameless


Lessons from Charlie the living Buddha

Once, I spoke to my dog Charlie and said "You need to walk 5,000 steps everyday and

if you fail to do this you will not get any treats." Charlie looked at me and I assumed he understood. I tracked his steps for the day and

he did not meet my expectations. So, I decided to take him for walks to help meet this goal I was expecting. This required

effort on my part but was successful. Charlie taught me that in order for others to meet our expectations, we are required to

do the work. Expectations from others, require work. If you like to work, expect things from others. If

you do not like to work, don't expect things from others.

Author: 无名 / Nameless























Blind-fulness Mindfulness

In the land of the blind, the one eyed

man is king.

Closing the right eye,

You can only see left.

Closing the left eye,

You can only see right.

Gaze in the mirror,

See all around.

Close 2 eyes,

to open the third.

"Close bot eues and see motijnf"

French (eues) Frisian (motijnf).

See nothing, See everything.

Observe unconscious behaviors.

Close one eye for awhile,

Be a king.

Close two eyes for awhile,

rule oneself.

To see or not to see,

that is the question.

Blind-fulness Mindfulness.

Author: No Eyes



Reification Fallacy

Reification takes place when natural or social processes are misunderstood or

simplified; for example, when human creations are described as "facts of nature, results

of cosmic laws, or manifestations of divine will."
















Author: 无名 / Nameless

Reification Fallacy

Ask this question, or don't.

How do I gain fortune?

If you are a panda,

don't allow the snow leopard to,

tell you to come to the ground.

Stay in the trees, or don't.

If you stare at a dead tree branch

long enough.

You may notice, it doesn't care.

You may also not care, or don't.

If you can...

don't think, or don't.

Be yourself, or don't.

You can look at nature as a great teacher, or don't.

Author: 无名 / Nameless


天气 和 是否

Weather and Whether

We often look at the weather and wonder whether it is worth wondering whether to

wonder about the weather.

Whether we like the weather or whether we do not like the weather, will depend upon

whether the weather will allow us to weather the weather.

I suppose we might wonder whether,

We Can, Or Not....

"Weather the storm"


Successfully deal with

difficult problems in life.


maybe this depends upon,

whether we can walk more slowly,

in the weather, and simply

Chill and embrace withering away.

We can do all these things,

Greater and more,

If we embrace the weather

whether we are withering away in

the weather or not.

Whether and Weather

Author: 无名 / Nameless


Dangling participles:

Nobody actually cares about them.

Memorize this for the test.

Conjunction junction what's your function?

Conjunctions are simple,

We made up a fancy word for them.

and = 和

but = 而

although = 虽

This is how to not know:




Maybe the deer eats the berries

because it is allergic to peanuts!


If you speak,

when you are angry.

It's the best speech,

you will ever regret.

Author: 无名 / Nameless




所以,我敢说, 你不是我, 你是你。























作者:奥德修斯(古希腊神话中的英雄, 曾自称无人/nobody)


1.吾: 古汉语人称代词,意为我,常做主语。


Who is whoever?

It is Whoever "you" are referring to.

So I am telling the You You, not the, Me You.

So, who is me?

Me is Me.

If Me asks You to be I,

this introduces I.

So, who is I?

I am me and I am you.

But can you be me?

Can I be you?

Can I be me?

If We take I, divide it by Me, and then multiply it by You....

Who are we?

We are whoever.

Whoever is:

I, you, and me.

Whoever you want to be,

You can be.

But can I, you, me, and whoever..

be nobody?

Who is nobody?

Nice to meet you today,

nobody met nobody.

Now the rabbit

jumps over the cherry blossom tree!

Author: Outis

Author: Odysseus (the hero in ancient Greek mythology, who once called himself nobody)


1. Wu: An ancient Chinese personal pronoun, meaning I, often used as the subject.

2. The word "I" in the poem is used as a personal pronoun in ancient Chinese. It means

"I" and is often used as an object.



The cow jumped over the moon

Riddle me this,

Riddle me that.

Someone allowed me,

To borrow a thinking hat.

The answer is the question.

The question is the answer.

If one grasps it,

it disappears.

If one lets it go,

it appears.

Cows can be our best friends.

But, how do you count cows?

.....With a cowculator!

When we love ourselves,

who is loving who?


That which is alive.


The Cow from Wu is terrified by the moon, mistaking it for the sun

"Hey diddle diddle,

The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon;

The little dog laughed

To see such sport,

And the dish ran away with the spoon"

Author: Nameless

Author: 无名


Flower food















Flower Food

A single rose,

of any color,

shows devotion.

Food for thought.

If you are open or torn,

in hard to reach places.

Help restore natural beauty,

Primary ingredient is Purpose.

Good habits are established.

Naturally Derived.

Helps create a more,

flower-full life.

Author: Nameless













Two things at once







If we take two things

put them into one,

we are now doing two

things at once.

You can do two things at once.

You can do one thing twice.

Once is nice,

Twice is even better.

So wouldn't it be nice,

to do two things at once twice?

jamais deux sans trois.


Third time is a Charm!










Two things at once


Playing guitar while singing.

Talking while thinking.

Eating while watching.

Sleeping while dreaming.

Dreaming while sleeping.











--->> jamais deux sans trois.

--->> 三人行必有我师焉

--->> Third time is a Charm!

Can't you see,

the patterns unraveling,

the endless empty is

forever traveling?

One becomes Two,

Two becomes Three.


作者, auteure, Author: 无名,sans nom, Nameless



Pig Latin

igP atinL

Pig latin was a secret language I observed my own mother using when I was a child. I suppose this was my initial introduction to poetry, although I did not realize it at the time. My mother would often speak this secret language with her adult friends, when English speaking children were around, so the children were unable to understand what the adults were saying.

The sounds my mother made were something like this:

"Tuh-gee too-duh gung"

This is something I did not understand and still do not understand because she made her own rules or encryption for language with her friends. Allow me to show you some examples so you might better understand this technique and secret language.

For words that begin with consonant sounds, all letters after the initial vowel are placed at the beginning of the word sequence. Then, "ay" is added, as in the following examples:

* "pig" = "igpay"

* "latin" = "atinlay"

* "banana" = "ananabay"

When words begin with consonant clusters (multiple consonants that form one sound), the whole sound is added to the end when speaking or writing.

* "friends" = "iendsfray"

* "smile" = "ilesmay"

* "string" = "ingstray"

For words that begin with vowel sounds, one just adds "hay", "way", "nay" or "yay" to

the end. Examples are:

* "eat" = "eatway"

* "omelet" = "omeletway"

* "are" = "areway"

Welcome to the language of Pig Latin my Chinese friends.



Charlie the living Buddha eats water

One cold and snowy day....deep in the mountains, there lived an amazing golden creature named Charlie. Charlie was just as amazing as all living beings with the heart of the Buddha already living inside him. On this particular day, Charlie was very thirsty but also very hungry. As we all know, Charlie is a very wise dog with a remarkable understanding of how nature works. So, he magically opened his mouth, bit the snow, and ate some water. Now that his thirst and hunger were both satisfied, the rest of the morning, Charlie the living Buddha had an amazing time playing in the snow. This is simply another great lesson from Charlie, our wise golden teacher on.......How to eat water?




Why is it when we are very close to others, this is when we feel so far apart?


things will turn into their opposite when they reach the extreme; extremes touch.

We can see this collision,

once we move beyond the desire,

we are left with having to separate.

Watching the pain others feel while separating is unbearable.

This often causes us to hold on

so we can ease their pain.

A desire to sit in the silent mountains,

stare at nature, wither away,

and melt into it.

Seeing this deep pain in others,

a desire to help the best we can.

I am torn in my wanting.

Maybe, both can be done?


we watch mother nature

while using this pen!



Author: Nameless


Hungry Ghost Realm

Loneliness, empty.

Not needed, Not wanted.

Shame, A little Anger.

Carefree, Not worrying.

Returning to the root, Dao.

Can't sit still, Human Nature.

Guilt is a prickly feeling all over the body.

An inability to sit still and relax.

Punished or Abandoned.

Feeling guilty for simply being alive.

Feeling like an unwanted guest,

within the family,

who overstayed my welcome,

but couldn't leave.

Make friends with the guilt.

Embrace it, feel it.

Thank yourself,

for protecting yourself.

Retreat to solitude.

"I had to do it to survive."

Guilt is our friend when weak and tired.

Feel guilt, it is ok to say No.

If you are feeling guilty,

it is often a signal that you did something for yourself,

To protect yourself.

Be joyful,

Come into the present moment,

Embrace the feeling!

What is this pain I am hiding from?

Guilt is Self-Love.

There is only this self.

By loving yourself,

you will also love others.


Author: Nameless




How do birds know to migrate to warmer climates during the winter?

Magnetoreception is a sense which allows an organism to detect the Earth's magnetic field. Animals with this sense include some arthropods, molluscs, and vertebrates (fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals). The sense is mainly used for orientation and navigation, but it may help some animals to form regional maps. These animals have tiny Magnetite receptors in their body.

A homing pigeon knows its way home and can fly as long as 1,800 kilometers (1,100 miles).

It would be nice if the homing pigeon could fly as long as 1,847 kilometers (1,148 miles).

Because Baton Rouge, Louisiana is approximately 1,148 miles from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

I could buy a group of homing pigeons, place one group in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and

another group in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and talk with my good friends there using the

birds. I could finally cancel my cellular phone service and save some money.

Why does the caged bird sing?

I don't know but I assume because it is stuck in a cage.

If I had a caged bird, I would name it Mr. Belvedere.

But, I don't have a caged bird. I only have some uncaged birds in my yard, they are easier to take care of.

I recently captured a golden creature named Charlie, he doesn't sing but does like to bark.

When Einstein was asked what it was like being the most intellectual person on the planet.... he said..

我不知道.... ask Nikola Tesla.



Doing Nothing





















Doing Nothing

"Doing nothing, doing nothing, doing everything," comes from Laozi's "Tao Te Ching":

"The sage does nothing but does everything; the sage is selfless, so he can achieve his

selfishness." Wuwei means not acting rashly. It does not mean inaction, but it is

following nature and doing things naturally. Do it according to the essential laws of the

development of things. Only in this way can you "do everything". To put it simply and

clearly, as long as everything is done according to the laws of nature and does not act

rashly or forcefully, you can achieve success. This is the original meaning of doing

nothing and doing nothing. To explain Lao-Zhuang’s thought, we need to combine it with

the overall thought of Taoism. Taking it out of context will not work. And there is another

premise for "doing nothing but doing everything", that is, "sage". What is a saint? This is

different from what Confucius meant by a sage. The sage of Lao and Zhuang refers to a

person who understands the "Tao" and understands the laws of nature. In ancient times,

it was called Zhenren. Only such people can achieve the goal of "doing nothing without

doing anything." This is not the original saying, but it was later made into a common


The "Tao De Jing" here "doing nothing but doing everything" is consistent with the spirit

of the "Book of Changes". The "Book of Changes" also talks about how people act

according to external weather and geographical conditions. The so-called "gua" is also

talking about how people "do nothing" in order to "do everything". And "the external

environment (time and place) is changing. It is not easy for people to distinguish and

discover the changes, and it is even harder to adapt to changes."

The more tired you feel, the more you need to pursue a state of tranquility. Stop and

think about yourself, return to your true heart, and cultivate your character. Mencius

once said: "If you are unable to do something, you should seek others from yourself." All

external difficulties or disturbances are inner manifestations. Energy is not limited by

time and space. If a person can always be quiet, everything in heaven and earth will

return. When a person is not pure, energy will leak out. On the contrary, when a person

is pure, his energy is inward.

Lao Tzu has a saying: "Go to the extreme of emptiness and keep quiet." Laozi is quiet

and Zhuangzi is free and easy. Only by being quiet can you be free and easy. Extreme

virtuality and tranquility. In this state, the energy of heaven and earth is available to me 

at any time. First, you need to calm down and reduce energy consumption. And Xu has

just begun to absorb energy from the universe.

What kind of energy you can absorb depends on your heart. What kind of heart you

have, what kind of energy you will attract. The amount of energy a person possesses is

directly proportional to the size of his heart. How big his heart is, how much energy he

will absorb.


Strike while the iron is hot


When creating a sword of iron, one should strike it while it is hot.

To act on an opportunity promptly while favorable conditions exist; to avoid waiting.

One can also iron clothing but the hot iron needs to be hot.

Additionally, one can iron one's hair to make it straight but the iron should be hot.

If you wait too long to take action, it may take "Donkey's Years" for an opportunity to present itself again.

Take the ice cold heart,

warm it with tenderness,

it will then flow like water.

If you act too slowly,

you may have to wait,

wait or do not wait,

if one is tired - wait,

if one is rested - do not wait.

Or do whatever you want,

无名 (Nobody) really knows anyway.


















如果一个人休息了 - 不要等待。




Learning to Chill


How you doing today?

> All good my friend.

I like your chill and relaxed style.

> Thanks!

> 谢谢!

We are like a mirror,

we both have 2 things.

I'm not a big fan of 2,

but I like 00 and 1.

> That is good too.

> 那也很好。

Why don't we slow down in life?

There is nothing to do anyway.

> Yeah, man...

> that seems to be the problem.

> 是的,伙计...

> 这似乎是问题所在。


> Author-Nameless


Left Behind


Sometimes people

abruptly leave us,

with little to no warning.

These people are

often very wise.

These people realize,

they cannot change themselves and

your life would greatly improve,

if "they" are no longer in it.

They are trembling....on purpose.

You now know how to tremble.

How do we stop the cycle, 无名?


We simply transform from this to that.

Proximity of "this" is close.

Proximity of "that" is far away.

We are now That Far Away,

Your life will greatly improve.

No need to disappear,

simply create a bit of distance,

the solution will reappear.

Now the Rhinoceros,

can finally climb,

the Elephant tree!

"I" will always love "You"

作者- 无名

Author- Nameless


不,小家伙 the Taoist Calico 猫 - teaches mindfulness

I recently met a 猫 named 小家伙. He is an orange and white calico 猫 with a very playful

personality. I often find myself telling him 不 so to make things easier I simply renamed him to 不


One morning I decided to light a red candle in the kitchen and left the room for about 1 hour.

When I returned, it looked like someone had been murdered in the kitchen, there were splatters

of red candle wax all over the floor and walls and the candle flame was out. There were also

small cat paw prints of red wax across the floor and I noticed 不,小家伙 sitting down chewing

red candle wax off his paws.

In the past, an event like this would have made me very upset but I now try to learn the great

lessons from nature and this includes lessons from 不,小家伙 the Taoist Calico 猫.

I paused for a moment and took a few deep breaths to calm myself. I then proceeded to slowly

clean all the red candle wax from the floors and walls while practicing my mindfulness. In this

experience, I was grateful to spend almost 2 hours slowly living in the present moment.

不,小家伙 the Taoist Calico 猫teaches us to practice not becoming upset when we encounter

difficult events but instead use these situations as opportunities to grow and learn from our wise

teachers in nature. In this case, I was gifted 2 hours of mindfulness meditation and 不,小家伙

had red paws for a few days.


Radiant Acquiescence



The afflictions which come to humanity sometimes tend to center the consciousness upon the

limitations. This is a veritable prison. Release comes by making of the will a door through which

the confirmations of the spirit come. They come to a man or woman who accepts his life with

Radiant Acquiescence.

— Abdu'l-Bahá, Divine Philosophy

The best way to rise above the petty irritations and delays which attack the nervous system is to

meet them with non-resistance. All the prophets have taught us not to resist evil. 'Abdu'l-Bahá

calls it "radiant acquiescence." This is the most practical way to handle the affairs of life, to drop

resistance to things we cannot change, be willing (and that happily) that circumstances should

go against us, that others shall be unkind, unjust, impolite or disagreeable. Through this practice

the mind is kept quiet and clear and greater power to go through life successfully is engendered.

Resistance produces poisonous toxins in the glands which undermine the health. Most of the

nervous illness in the world today (and there is much of it) is caused by resistance to

circumstances or to people, which has kept the nerves and brain in such a state of tension and

irritation that a breakdown is the only ultimate result. In order to get rest and healing, we should

say to ourselves, "Drop it, what difference does it make?"

Whether we are aware of it or not we always arouse in others what is in our own mind. Anger in

you will provoke anger in another, while love begets love. So there is a great scientific principle

involved in the command, "love your enemies;" Hate begets hate, and in no way can it be

changed except through love. Fear begets fear and confidence increases confidence. The

cheerfulness of one person can affect a roomful of people and if persistently practiced may

affect the whole neighborhood.

When you feel others irritating or disturbing you, get quiet, be tranquil, summon the spirit of joy

and harmony—ask for guidance and strength from the Holy Spirit. Send out harmonious

thoughts and soon you will find the attitudes of others will change toward you, if you have only

love in your heart. Love can melt the meanest heart. It takes two to quarrel. If one of the angry

parties will practice non-resistance and puts away all discordant thinking from himself, and waits

without impatience, the anger of the other must subside for it will have nothing on which to feed.

Keep your mind in a condition of harmony toward the other and wait. In waiting you will

accomplish wonders with the right mental attitude. "They serve who only stand and wait."



Let Go

How to clean up a cluttered office and create empty space for something new, in 3 easy steps.

1. Take old stuff from the past.

2. Burn it.

3. Work on some new stuff in the empty space.

Little secret: Stuff a few things in the closet that you cannot yet Let Go!

如何通过 3 个简单步骤清理杂乱的办公室并为新事物腾出空间。

1. 借鉴过去的旧东西。


3. 在空余的空间里做一些新的事情。




Writing Prompts

These are my answers to the writing prompts. Feel free to make your own.

1. Do you wish you could press the reset button on anything in your life? If so, what?


2. What do you think is the best use of your time?

Staring at a tree and listening to birds.

3. Have you ever plotted revenge on someone? Was it sweet and what did it entail?


It was not sweet. It made myself sick.

4. What is the idea of a perfect summer?

Nothing is perfect.

5. What one invention do you find completely useless and why?

Time, because it doesn't exist.

6. When you close your eyes, what do you always daydream about?

Holding somebody


If and When

If and When,

we write with this pen.

If there is a when,

when will if be there.

If I was a seed,

when will the flower be there.

Waiting for when the flowers come,

as if there is never a seed.

If and When are already There.

Worrying is a want,

not a need.

If and When.

The bloom and fragrance are inherent in the seed

作者: 无名

Author: Nameless


Concealing is Revealing

> Have you heard of the guy who ate invisible ink?


> He is still at the hospital waiting to be seen.

He can’t get sick though.

No one can operate surgery on him.

> True but maybe he doesn't want to go to the hospital. He could simply fall apart naturally like a

bird or a rabbit does.

> Although, if one was invisible, simply put on some clothes or covering. The duality of covering

heals the invisible.

Hmm, he will be caught and sent to facilities for experimental purposes if he is found being


> Good point. So we are back to being invisible. 无为 Do Nothing.

作者: 无名

Author: Nameless




Chatting with Dr. Iskcel

I was chatting with Dr. Iskcel today. We were talking about mathematics and how solving

mathematical problems seems to be more challenging as we grow older. She told me she was

very good at math when in high school and college. She didn't even need to show how she

solved the complex math problems because her brain would simply know the answer. When she

was in college, she only showed up to calculus class for the exam. She would often get 100%

correct on the exams but the teacher would get upset because she could naturally solve math

problems without working through the known steps using paper. Lastly, she said, "I could never

teach others math because the process I use in my mind to solve problems would seem like

nonsense and most would think I was crazy."

Dr. Iskcel is actually a bartender and she gives me my beer and whiskey medicine so I call her

Doctor. I could also call her "Synesthesia" Iskcel but that would be too long to say.

Synesthesia Iskcel

联感 Iskcel



Charlie the living Buddha teaches communication

Charlie enjoys barking sometimes and I was curious to know what he was saying. I looked

around the internet a bit and tried my best to translate dog barks but didn't really get anywhere.

Next, I tried to write some messages on rocks but when I showed them to Charlie he didn't

seem to be able to read. Lastly, I realized we are both sort of stuck and unable to understand

each other...and that is ok.

In this lesson, Charlie the living Buddha teaches us that we are often unable to understand one

another and all we can do is simply listen and be there for one another.

I will consider signing Charlie up for some Chinese reading lessons and see if this helps or

maybe simply 无为 so we can just chill out together while enjoying life.


Chinese Lantern Festival Riddles

During the Chinese lantern festival celebrations, people will often try to solve fun riddles. Here

are a few Chinese riddles to try to solve.

1. 弟兄六七个,围着柱子坐,大家一分手,衣服全扯破。(猜一植物)

2. 红口袋,绿口袋,有人害怕有人爱。(猜一植物)

3. 长得像竹不是竹,周身有节不太粗,不是紫来就是绿,只吃生来不能熟。(猜一植物)

4. 半截白,半截青,半截实来半截空,半截长在地面上,半截长在土当中。(猜一植物)

5. 冬天幼苗夏成熟,滔滔海水是活土,根浮水面随浪晃,身潜水中漫起舞。(猜一植物)

1. Six or seven brothers sat around a pillar. As soon as everyone parted, their clothes

The clothes are completely torn. (guess a plant)

2. Red pocket, green pocket, some are afraid and some are loved. (guess a plant)

3. It looks like bamboo but not bamboo. It has knots all over the body and is not too thick. It is

either purple or green. It cannot be cooked if you only eat it raw. (guess a plant)

4. Half white, half green, half solid, half empty, half growing on the ground, half growing in the

soil. (guess a plant)

5. Seedlings mature in winter and mature in summer. The roaring sea water is living soil. The

roots float on the surface and sway with the waves, and the body dances in the water. (guess a





This tree broke in half,

the other tree caught it,

and it is holding her up.

Nice! Got to love it.

Yeah it’s nice outside,

working WITH nature.

I saw a Cardinal today


Better than any email,

"I" ever wrote.

Cardinals 北美红雀 are perfect.

Nothing needs be said.

They bring good luck.


he didn't even need to,

schedule a meeting.

He simply...

stopped by at random.

无为 Do Nothing

作者: 无名

Author: Nameless


Lantern Festival Poem

Claude.ai, Please write me a nostalgic poem about the Chinese Lantern Festival holiday.

Here is a poem about the nostalgia of the Lantern Festival:

Lanterns aglow, lighting up the night

Their colors so bright, a beautiful sight

Lions and dragons dancing in the street

To the beat of the drums, such joy they seem to bleat

The tangy smell of street food in the air

Fried pancakes and dumplings, I haven't a care

Games and gifts bring laughter and cheer

Wishes sent skyward on lanterns so dear

Oh how I miss those days of childhood glee

The lantern festival, a sweet memory

Though years have passed, still I feel such delight

Recalling lanterns glow on that starry night


Jump to comfort

The six fake orange leaves are real.

The bottoms are pale and fake.

Put them in a mirror,

move them with no touch.

Light reflects on the ceiling,

like a sunrise.

This illusion contains blankets,

so use them to stay warm.

Don't eat the fake olives,

eat the real ones.

If you jump from one rock,

to another.

You will be on another rock.

I was doing something today,

and now wondering why....

I would want to do something,

instead of 无为。



Becoming an Ocean

Here now in a Cave.

无名 is not a psychic,

cannot know the future.

Can you see the future?

I can only feel souls and read people.

I am a mountain dwelling hobo that is good at doing nothing.

You know this too but are in the city streets.

You 獭 Otter be proud of yourself.

So we teach and become a river,

then they become the ocean.

The webs the trees weave,

The sun the cats need.



Life is like the sand of time,

Time is like sand...Endless.

作者: 无名

Author: Nameless




You are reading again

I know but 我不知道。

无名 is here now.

Hello again, hope you enjoy reading.

If you want to see something,

open your eyes.

If you want to be something,

stop with the why's.

When a slim beauty comes to the rescue,

don't expect to be saved.

Simply float in the clouds.

Float with life.

The meaning is to simply exist.

Or, maybe don't and worry a lot instead.



作者: 无名

Author: Nameless


Tiki Adventures

Help you reach,

the treasure lounge.

Tiki laughs,

Tiki frowns.

Tiki goes up and down.

Tiki grins,

Tiki smiles.

Tiki helps when the cat meows.

Hello there,

Wonderland has been awaiting you.

The enchanted mirror.

The mad tea party.



We are all mad here.


作者- 无名

Author- Nameless



You could say at one point I experienced an awakening in myself. Now, my mom and I always

had this nagging type of relationship. She would complain about stuff and I would engage in it

telling her she shouldn't worry so much about insignificant things in life. We had many

talks,discussions and heated arguments but one day something changed in me. I became

VERY conscious of my own thoughts and feelings and as expected my mom was there to test it out.

.One day She snapped at me for something small as a towel laying in the sink.

Suddenly I ''saw'' the emotion this reaction stirred in my belly, this negative ball of frustration that

put my whole body from a state of complete peace into a state of frustration/anger. But

something was different.. I was looking at the emotion. I had detached from the emotion and

was no longer one with it. I realized this was my body's conditioned / automatic response in these type of situations.

Right there and then was the moment where, even though my body was triggered into this

unpleasant state, I was able to CHOOSE my response instead of reacting out of frustration. My

mom couldn't handle me giving a soft soothing response, she couldn't handle me disengaging

from the discussion and went BERSERK. She was used to playing throw and catch (with arguments) with me. 

But suddenly there was nobody to catch anymore.

After she went berserk and had calmed down. I told her, from this day on, if you talk to me in

this angry manner, I will not engage in the conversation. You are my mom, I love you so let's

treat each other with respect. It took her a while but eventually she understood and our whole

relationship changed.

For years I had tried to change her way of reacting to these little things by telling her verbally.

For years I was trying to control an external factor (my mom and her reactions)...

Only to realize that true change happens from within, true change happens in yourself first. And

miraculously in this way we CAN change the world we live in...

We change it from the inside out.




The philosophy of Epictetus.

Epictetus was a Greek philosopher and Stoic. He believed there is only one thing that belongs

to an individual fully - his will or purpose.

Epictetus said, "We must bear in mind - that apart from the Will there is nothing good or bad,

and that we must not try to anticipate or to direct events, but merely to accept them with


"The character of the philosopher is that he looks to himself for all help or harm."

GIVE ME, but one young man who brings this intention with him to the school, who is a

champion for this point and says,- "I yield up all the rest; it suffices me, if once I become able to

pass my life free from hindrance and grief, and to look up to Heaven as the friend of God,

fearing nothing that can happen." Let any one of you show himself of such a disposition, that I

may say, "Come into the place, young man, that is of right your own; for you are destined to be

a credit to philosophy. Yours are these possessions; yours, these books; yours, these

discourses." Then, when he has thoroughly mastered this first class, let him come again and

say,- "I desire indeed to be free from passion and worry; but I desire too, as a pious, a

philosophic, and a diligent man, to know what is my duty to God, to my parents, to my relatives,

to my country, and to strangers. Come into the second class too; for this is likewise yours. "But I

have now sufficiently studied the second class too; and I would willingly be secure and

unshaken by error and delusion, not only when awake, but even when asleep; when warmed

with wine; when diseased with spleen." You are becoming as a god, man; your aims are sublime



Emotions and Thoughts

When I go off alone into the mountains and see no other humans for days, I still have emotions

and thoughts. So, how could anyone else besides myself be causing these emotions and thoughts?

There’s only yourself. Nobody can give you anything, nobody can give you happiness, for

example. Or love. When you feel love. It’s your own love you feel, not another’s.

All is within.

When another gets upset or angry towards me, this is not anything I control. I only control myself.


Make a tree straight


How to get trees to grow straight?

It is not an easy feat.

There are steps you can take.

Why is it important?

Soil must be loose.

Avoid overwatering.

Fertilize the tree.

Pruning can help appearance.

Stakes and cables keep it upright.

Protect young trees from heavy winds.

With patience, effort, and dedication, you will be able to successfully grow a straight tree.

Or, follow 莊子 and allow the tree to be crooked.




Zhuangzi was walking in the mountains and saw a large tree with luxuriant branches and

leaves, but the fellers stopped beside it and did not take it. Ask why. Said: "There is nothing to

use." Zhuangzi said: "This tree has no material and will live its whole life." The Master came out

of the mountain and left it at the home of an old friend. The old friend was delighted and ordered

Zhuzi to kill the wild geese and cook them. Shuzi asked, "One of them can sing, and one of

them can't. Which one should I kill?" The master said, "Kill the one who can't sing."








Seeing Meng Haoran off to Yangzhou

Li Bai

Yellow Crane Terrace: my old friend bids me goodbye.

To Yangzhou in the mists and flowers of Spring he goes.

His single sail's far shadow melts in the blue void.

All I see is the sky to which the Yangtze river flows.








Send As a Gift to Meng Haoran

Li Bai

I love and respect master scholar MengHis legend known throughout heaven and earth.

At a young age he had already forsaken the fancy carriages of the palace elite.

Without an official position, he lies down among the pines and clouds.

Frequently drunk under the moon, yet retained his orientation and judgment.

Lost among the peach blossoms, not a government bureaucrat.

Admire him, who towers above tall mountains With respect,

I bow to him and his purity.


寄 天 台 道 士


海 上 来 仙 客

三 山 望 几 时。

焚 香 宿 华 顶

裛 露 采 灵 芝。

屡 躡 莓 若 滑

将 寻 汗 漫 期。

倘 因 松 子 去

长 与 世 人 辞

Send to the Mt. Tiantai Daoist Scholars

Meng Haoran

Above the ocean, celestial visitors arrive.

Almost their hour, gaze into the distance at several mountains.

Stay overnight, burning incense and a colorful radiance overhead.

Early morning, gather the dew on mountain mushrooms.

Frequently walk on slippery moss with tippy-toes.

For stretches of time, wander about looking for these places of solitude.

Follow young Daoist students as they saunter away.

For a long time associate with those who are removed from common society.



年代:唐代 作者: 白居易





Going Alone To Spend A Night At The Hsien-Yu Temple

Era: Tang Dynasty Author: Bai Juyi

The crane from the shore standing at the top of the steps;

The moon on the pool seen at the open door;

Where these are, I made my lodging-place

And for two nights could not turn away.

I am glad I chanced on a place so lonely and still

With no companion to drag me early home.

Now that I have tasted the joy of being alone

I will never again come with a friend at my side.


Way of heaven






Yellow Emperor's Internal Classic

Yellow Emperor's Yin Fu Jing

If one observes the Way of Heaven,

and maintains Its doings (as his own),

all that he has to do is accomplished.



Alchemy and Chinese Cinnabar














朱砂被认为是天地纯阳之气所结并可以用作画符以增加符力和神威。 道士常将自己的符归在张




Alchemy and Chinese Medicine:

Cinnabar is an important material for alchemy. In ancient China, Taoists believed that cinnabar

was collected from the veins of the essence of the sun and moon. It absorbed the righteousness

of heaven and earth and had a strong yang magnetic field. At the same time, cinnabar is also a

powerful soothing medicine. It is slightly cold in nature and heavy in quality. It has the effects of

calming the mind, calming the nerves, improving eyesight, and detoxifying. It can also be used

to treat symptoms such as palpitations, insomnia, epilepsy, blurred vision, and blurred vision. In

addition, cinnabar can be used externally to treat sores, swelling and poisoning. However, it

should be noted that "Shen Nong's Materia Medica" describes that cinnabar is poisonous and

should not be taken for a long time.

Writing and dyeing: Because the red powder color of cinnabar can last for a long time, the

ancients often used natural cinnabar as a color for painting or writing. "Painting cinnabar on

oracle bones" refers to applying powdered cinnabar to the inscriptions on oracle bones to make

them more eye-catching. This practice has a history of thousands of years. Later emperors also

used cinnabar powder mixed with red ink to write approval documents, and this is where "zhu

approval" comes from.

Feng Shui and warding off evil spirits: Cinnabar is regarded as an auspicious thing and is often

used to smear door frames, statues, etc. to ward off evil spirits and protect the home. In the old

days, Taoist temples on the Dragon Boat Festival still had the custom of using a cinnabar pen to

draw talismans on yellow paper for giving or selling, so that people could stick them on their

doors to ward off evil spirits. In addition, if the feng shui of a place is not good and the evil spirits

are too strong, using cinnabar red color is said to have obvious miraculous effects in

suppressing evil spirits.

Making charms and painting charms: Cinnabar, also known as "cinnabar" and "cinnabar", is a

common mineral with bright red color. In addition to being widely used in Taoist alchemy, it is

also the main raw material for making pigments. According to the Bagua category, Da Chi is the

Qian hexagram because Da Chi is the color of pure Yang. Therefore, cinnabar is considered to

be composed of the pure Yang energy of heaven and earth and can be used as a talisman to

increase the power and divine power of the talisman. Taoist priests often put their own talismans

under the name of Zhang Tianshi, called Tianshi talisman, and used cockscomb blood mixed

with cinnabar to draw the talisman to enhance its effectiveness.

Other applications: Cinnabar is also used in musical instrument manufacturing (such as red

pigment), bird raising, insect raising and other fields; even in modern times, many people are

very interested in cinnabar and wear some craft products to ward off evil spirits or use them as



Clouds playing a melody














Clouds playing a melody

Cleansing the rocks and birds,

trees and plants quenching thirst.

Sprouting leaves catching the gems,

as if holding the weight of the world.

Sparrows gently singing their tunes,

while the stems explode from

green to yellow.

Decaying leaves taking final steps,

finally flying away as the wind arrives.

Broken branches still holding on,

while listening to the tap, tap, tap of water drumming....

as it returns from the heavens.

作者- 无名

Author- Nameless












Be a happy loser

3 legged dog

It is ok to fail.

When the dog loses a leg,

it doesn't dwell but instead keeps moving.

You are already good enough.

Sometimes we fail,

Sometimes it rains.

Don't scream at the sky.

Dance in the rain!

麻姑 is a legendary Taoist xian associated with the elixir of life, and a symbolic protector of

women in Chinese mythology.

The tales of Magu reflect the cultural and social norms of the times in which they were told. It is

notable that many of the stories about her were grounded in the traditional belief systems of

Taoism, which held that healing and spirituality are interconnected. The Taoist emphasis on

balance and harmony between the individual and the world around them was central to the

worship of Magu. The emphasis on the balance is reflected in Magu’s image which is portrayed

carrying a basket of fruits and flowers, a teapot, and a bundle of herbs given that it showed

people how they could lead harmonious lives by observing the natural laws of the universe.


Chinese Universe Creation Story
















Pangu opened the sky

Chinese folk myths and legends

Pangu opened the sky, Chinese folk myths and legends, a long time ago, the sky and the earth

were not separated, and the universe was in chaos. There was a giant named Pangu, who slept

in this chaotic universe for eighteen thousand years.

One day, Pangu suddenly woke up. When he saw darkness all around him, he swung his axe,

and struck at the darkness in front of him. There was only a loud noise, and the dark things

gradually dispersed. What slowly rises becomes the sky; what slowly falls becomes the earth.

After the separation of heaven and earth, Pangu was afraid that they would reunite again, so he

raised his head to the sky and kicked his feet to the ground. The sky rose one foot every day,

and Pangu grew taller and taller. For countless years, the sky and the earth gradually took

shape, and Pangu fell down from exhaustion.

After Pangu fell, his body underwent great changes. His breath turned into the wind and clouds

of the four seasons; his voice turned into the rumbling thunder; his eyes turned into the sun and

moon; his limbs turned into the east and west on the earth. , South and North Poles; his skin

turned into the vast earth; his blood turned into the flowing river; his sweat turned into rain and

dew that moisturizes all things.


Ego thrives on fear

Fear has two extremes. At one extreme, we freeze, we are petrified, literally, like a rock. At the

other extreme we panic. This undercurrent of fear lurks behind a lot of our habits. It is why it is

so hard to just sit still or standstill or stand in line not doing anything in particular, without feeling

nervous or fidgety. We have a fear of being still. Mind is racing, freezing or panicking?

How do we find the path through those extremes? The starting point is called the narrow path,

where you look straightforwardly at your own experience. You examine fear and dissect its


Where does it arise?

What is the sensation when you feel afraid?

What thoughts race through your mind when you are in a state of fear?

Do you panic?

Do you freeze?

Do you get real busy and try to fix everything?

Do you get angry?

In meditation practice you slow things down and can interrupt the full-blown freeze. You can

catch things when they are manageable. Understanding, examining, knowing, slowing down -

those are the first steps in working with fear.

Meditate, ignore the racing thoughts, the answer will come.

We will find peace, safety, and security only when we are willing to not run away from ourselves.


The Cave of the Blue Dragon

Each crisis, an opportunity,

Yet if you fail to act, you miss it by a thousand miles.

The Cave of the Blue Dragon is ominous.

Only the fearless dare to enter.

It is here that the forest of patterns is clearly revealed,

The myriad forms are evident.

It is here that the one bright pearl is hidden.





- 深呼吸冥想

- 体育锻炼

- 提醒自己不完美是正常的。


1. 认识无助和恐惧的情绪。

2. 容许并接受。让情绪自由发生。

3. 调查:为什么我会有这样的感觉?

4. 培育:善待自己,给自己所需。接受、宽恕。接受你的人性、你的不完美和你的痛苦。





- Tara Breach

Freezing reaction

The freeze response is often activated when problems feel too overwhelming or you feel


Some things that help manage this:

⁃ Deep breathing meditation

⁃ Physical exercise

⁃ Reminding yourself that it's normal to be less than perfect.

Freezing comes from a feeling of helplessness and fear which leaves the person unable to tap

into the biological systems designed for fighting or fleeing.

1. Recognize the emotion of feeling helpless and afraid.

2. Allow and accept it. Let the feeling be as it is.

3. Investigate: Why do I feel the way I do?

4. Nurture: Be kind to yourself and offer yourself what is needed. Acceptance, forgiveness.

Acceptance of your humanness, your imperfection, and your suffering.

You might say.....It is ok to feel overwhelmed.

"We each have the conditioning to live for long stretches of time imprisoned by a sense of

deficiency, cut off from realizing our intrinsic intelligence, aliveness, and love. The greatest

blessing we can give ourselves is to recognize the pain of this trance, and regularly offer a

cleansing rain of self-compassion to our awakening hearts."

⁃ Tara Breach











phylogenetic inertia

Laws of existence,

No need to start from scratch.

Building upon what already exists,

is naturally limiting.

Birds lay eggs because,

they are derived from reptiles.

Having limitations is the natural way.

Human beings first crawl and then walk.



Awakening Others







In the trough, no food, pigs jostle pigs,

Dividing the spoils unequally, dogs bite dogs.

For self-interest, humans undermine humans,

A tree rots from the roots, a person rots from the heart.

Conscience, like innate talent, you either have it or you don't,

There's no rousing what doesn't exist!


This Chinese statement uses vivid animal imagery to depict selfishness, infighting, and moral corruption 

among humans when resources are scarce or self-interest is at stake.

It makes the point that conscience or integrity is something innate that cannot be awoken in

someone who lacks it, comparing it to an inborn talent or ability.

The poem has a cynical, critical tone towards human nature.

The End

See you later alligator

